I haven’t posted in a week so here is an update on what has been going on.
Race- So the Cherry Blossom 10 Mile race was great. The race was pretty easy actually. I think I really noticed the difference in altitude. It was distracting to run past all the monuments so that helped get my mind of the fact that I was running for 100 minutes. I was able to finish in 1:41:40. So 10:10 minute miles. When I first started running I thought I would run it in 11 minute miles so I am pretty happy with that. Barb and Kristen did really well too so it was a good day.
DC – Was beautiful weather and it was great to see all our friends and meet a bunch of Barb’s friends and family who live in the area. The city is really interesting, very historic with all the US monuments and museums. My favorite monument was the FDR memorial. It is very serene with water features, quotes and statues of FDR all along the monument. I like it because instead of just being a attractive structure, it actually traces the events of his terms in office and brings to mind the era he was president. We also went to the Holocaust museum. It was very depressing but so well down, I would recommend it to everyone.
Condo – The condo is on the market and we have had about 8 showings in the first week. It’s a good sign that people are looking so hopefully we’ll hear have an offer before too long. We have been looking at neighborhood that we would potentially like to move to and it has been a little depressing. I can’t believe how expensive some of the neighborhoods in Denver are. People are asking so much money for little, dirty, dinge homes in questionable neighborhoods. If I didn’t hate it so much, I would say we should just move to Highlands Ranch and get a big, new house for less money.