Monday, August 24, 2009

What is Wrong With Me?

I am sitting at home and I have a ton of work to do, both for my job and on my house. I have been a bachelor for the last 6 days and as a result my inner slobby man has come out. Barb comes home tomorrow and I have left crap all over the house...not actual crap...dishes, socks, paper towels all over. It's 10:30 so I should actually go to bed, I have to get up at 6 tomorrow but I'm not going to sleep, nor am i finishing up work or cleaning the'm watching Mamma Mia on HBO. Uh huh. I don't like musicals....I hate Abba...not really a fan of Meryl Streep or Pierce Brosnan, what am i doing? Something is seriously wrong with me...but if I stay up until midnight I can watch a new episode of the Facts on Life On Demand. Wow, I have issues. Anyway, thought I would share my embarrassing reality. Since no one is probably reading this, it's no big deal right?