Monday, January 23, 2006

The Digital Ball & Chain

In light of the recent rejection by the Supreme Court to hear the copy write infringement ruling against In Motion Ltd, the company responsible for Blackberries, you have to ask: Is the world a better place without Blackberries?

True they are very convenient for getting your emails, surfing the internet or talking on the phone simultaneously in any location, but do we really need to be that connected? If you ask any of my friends that have one they’ll say “Yes, of course it is.”, or rather, “Yes”…..a pause to quickly check an email and respond and then continue……”of course it is.”

Like a cell phone, I think you become addicted to the ability to always be connected, you never miss a call, an email or a breaking news story. But at the same time, you are ALWAYS connected. It seems to me, almost like a digital ball and chain. You can always be reached by work, or your mother or an annoying friend you’re avoiding.

True, it’s great, at the drop of a hat, to be able to find out a sports score or who was the actor that played Blossom’s best friend, Jenna Van Oy by the way, but how annoying is it to be in mid-sentence when someone stops engaging you and checks a new text message they received?

I’m sure that when I get a blackberry, I will become an addict like everyone else, but it’s just a question to ponder before I go to the dark side……or should I say blackberry side.

1 comment:

Betsy said...

I like your new blog! And I like the Tucker Max link. I might have received his books as a V-day gift (the year after Nintendo).