Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Pretending To Be Busy

Work is so slow this week. My company is making some decisions that will drive the direction of my group so we are in a holding pattern for the next week basically. Which leads me to my topic of the day: Productivity in Large Corporations. I think many people in Corporate America pretend to be busy when they aren’t, in order to appear important. I know that my group has roughly 50 people in it and everyone is heads down pretending to do work; including me, when I know there is nothing to do. I have managed to read TMQ, pay my bills online, create a spreadsheet to track the flight patterns of migrant Canadian Geese and run to Target to buy some new undershirts in the 3 hours I have been to work. While at the same time, assuring my boss (2 cubes down) I have enough work to keep busy this week. Now this is not a regular occurrence; in my group work is very cyclical and will suddenly pick up at anytime, but during the downtimes I just have no motivation to do anything. Not that I think this should change, but can you imagine the productivity of a large company where all its employees truly worked to their full potential? I just don’t know if it could happen, you see this behavior in small and start-up companies but then, if they’re successful, they usually become or get bought by a larger corporation and bureaucracy and politics take over. Anyway, I have no real point to this, just ranting J

On a completely unrelated subject, I have to mention the record Rod Smith’s made last night .He became the first undrafted player in the NFL to reach 10,000 yards receiving. That is so impressive for any player, but to rise to the challenge of walking on to an NFL team and become one of only 24 players to every reach 10,000 yards is inspiring

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