Wednesday, October 05, 2005


This weekend we went to Louisville, Kentucky to visit Barb’s grandparents. I had never been to Kentucky before. It was beautiful. Very lush and green. The weekend was fun and it was good to meet Barb’s grandparents. Her grandma, Flo, turned 90 on Saturday. She is in great shape for being 90. We ate so much good food this weekend that I am still full from it.

I also had a goal of running a 5k under 30 minutes. Now I know this is not really that fast of a time, but I am not naturally a runner so this was a goal I had for the summer. We ran through this beautiful neighborhood called Highlands. All the houses are beautiful old homes, surrounded by lush trees and parks. The neighborhood was so nice! The run was fairly hilly and harder to run than I thought, but I made my goal, just barely, but I made it. So now that I’ve reached that goal, I can’t decide whether I am happier to meet it or to be able to stop running 5ks for the year now J

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