Thursday, March 16, 2006

Oh Brother(s) Where Art Thou?

I’m beginning to think my brother, Danny, doesn’t like his family or Colorado anymore. He moved to New Zealand last August for a year and has decided to stay for, at least, another year and move to Melbourne. In fact, in the last 3 years he has spent more than half his time out of the country. Prior to the trip to New Zealand he spent 6 months in Melbourne.

Maybe it’s all the family functions… birthdays, holidays, anniversaries. With 3 parents, 4 brothers, 3 girlfriends and a dog I guess it can get a little overwhelming. Maybe it’s that he doesn’t jive politically with our amazing President……..unnecessary wars, deficit spending, cronyism out the ying, yang…… I don’t see the problem there. Maybe it's that Australia is amazing and I’m sure New Zealand is just as beautiful?

No, I don’t think those are the reason.

I think there is another, more pressing motive for staying in the Southern Hemisphere. I think that he and his Kiwi girlfriend, Charlotte, who happens to be a great person…….I’m sure she’ll read this………are hiding their love child from the rest of the family. That’s right, I think they have given birth to a beautiful bouncing baby boy…..who’s name is, I assume, Matthew.

On a side note, it’s easier to figure out why one of my other brothers, Joey, moved out of state last summer. I know he likes the family and Colorado, but he just likes money much, much more. Hence the move to Las Vegas.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So what will the kid's name be when it comes out half Danny, half sheep lookin' something like an albino with an Afro? Wait a minute... Danny already looks like an albino with an afro! Matt, I think your dad may have taken a liking to sheep back in the early 80's. It's all so clear now.