Thursday, October 23, 2008

SNL...Funny again

Since I don't have a life, I watch a lot of tv these days, especially Saturday Night. I know you're totally jealous.

I'm sure you have all seen the Sarah Palin impersonations by Tina Fey but there have actually been some other hilarious SNL skits this season. Kristen Wiig is a very good physical comic and always delievers a spot on performace. Part of this is due to the writers knowing the comics strength. Seth Meyers as the head writer is doing a fantastic job this year. Below are links to a couple of the best skits of the season so far. Far and away Anne Hathaway has been the best host this year.

The Lawrence Welk Show
Totally reminds me of the real show....well maybe about 3/4 of the real show

Mary Poppins
What happens when Mary Poppins gets a VD

Mark Walhberg Talks To Animals
Sounds just like him, I can totally see him doing this

Mark Walhberg Follow-up
And Mark Walhberg actually does it

Judy Grimes
This is great, just kidding, it's grape, just kidding, it's green

1 comment:

The Taylor Three said...

i LOVE Judy Grimes!!! Like the Wahlberg sketches too!! And welcome to my world of watching Fri and Sat night tv!