Thursday, October 02, 2008

So Jealous!

My parents are moving to Mexico! They suck, I'm so jealous! I think they are ready for a little change in life and scenery so why not go to Mexico?? My step-mom is in the mortgage lending business case you hadn't heard...things aren't going well for lenders currently and my dad is self-employed and has the ability to do most of his work from home. As a result, they decided it's a great time to try something moving to Mexico.

They're renting out their house here, selling their cars and boat and moving to Puerto Vallarta for six months! It's actually not that wild of a thought as they own a condo with some friends in a great, little town called Bucerias, just north of Puerto Vallarta. In addition, they have a little network of locals down there they can rely on. They always say that it's a bit of a waste of money since they don't get down their enough so they're going to move in and try to sell some of their friends Mexican real estate! If it works out they may stay longer, if it doesn't, they'll just come back and resume life up here. Talk about awesome!

This leaves only my mom and I in Colorado. 5 years ago all the family was here, now with this and my three brothers leaving the state(or country) it's going to be lonely during the holidays. Maybe I'll just go down to Mexico for Xmas this year; my dad and step-mom wouldn't mind if my mom comes right? That's not awkward or anything.....Anyway, I have attached a photo from our place down there, I's rough right?

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