Monday, January 09, 2006

Potential Career Changes

One of the issues with being in IT development is that occationally you are on call. This weekend I was on call, now in the past I have never been awoken with a page in the middle of the night, so I figured if I went to the mountains, there was a slim chance I would get paged at night. Yea, I know, you can guess what happens next.....

Murphy's Law, of course I got a page at midnight on Saturday. I was able to resolve it, with the help of a teammember that I had to wake up, but it sucked. I hate IT. Here are some alternative careers I was thinking about......

1. Britney Spear's husband - I think KFed is on his way out, so if I just start rapping really badly, impregnating women and then leave them after spending all their money, I have a pretty good chance. Just embrace the trailer park
2.President of the United States - I think I can take the criticism that goes with it as long as I can also have the 2 months of vacation, a vice president that makes all the decisions and the complete certainty that I am always right. Plus I can annunciate correctly.
3.A Homeless Man - The easiest way to sleep in late and drink all day

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