Sunday, September 21, 2008

Overused words.....

I am attempting to expand my vocabulary both in written form and in my personal verbal lexicon. As a math guy, I have never focused much on honing my English skills. Annoyingly, I have notice that there are certain words that I constantly overuse. So in an ever present effort to improve myself....or more likely to just be less annoying to others.....I am attempting to replace the following words with other less obvious synonyms.

Unbelievable - I swear it comes out of my mouth anytime I hear anything that is mildly exciting. Instead I would like to use amazing, astonishing or my favorite.....mind-boggling!!!!

Plethora - One of those words that 10 years ago was a great obscure word that is fun to say, has now become commonplace, especially in my daily conversations. For this I am going to try to bring it back to basics by using simpler words like excess, overabundance or glut(I like that one) the exaggerated form. - I don't really want to replace this one. I have noticed that I use it often and it's always in such a negative respect that I really just want to get away from it.

Whatever - I think this one comes from my Minnesota heritage. I just imaging my grandma making hot dish and goulash in her kitchen and when someone asks her to make a choice she says "Whatevre" with that great Midwestern twang all my family has. While this is a great memory, I am not a 65 year old grandma, so it's not as endearing coming from me. Besides I've come to the conclusion that I am sometimes too laid back....or am I? well whatever....As a result I trying to be more affirmative when asked my opinion. I do it at work, so I don't see why I can't do it in my personal life.

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