Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Monday, February 27, 2006

Diarrhea of the Mind

Here's some random thoughts.

Many friends from out of town visited this weekend, it was good to see them all. Hopefully they all got home, with all their new, large, fragile gifts  Sorry K and R, couldn’t be helped, everything you registered for was huge!

I ran a lot this weekend training for the Cherry Blossom…….7 miles……. I am a little sore today, but I ran at an 11 minute pace and could have kept going so I am feeling good about the race; especially because it’s at sea-level.

I am haunted by Gray’s Anatomy, now that people say I remind them of O’Malley I feel a kinship with him. As a result I was really disturbed by the episode last night. He was basically crushed by his crush. George is so sad, at least he did something about it at the end.

I haven’t boarded in 3 weeks; I have a serious need to get to the mountains. Maybe I will come down with some 24 hour illness this week that can only be cured by a trip to a higher altitude and fast speeds on a snowboard?? Has anyone ever come down with something like that? I think it’s going around.

In addition, I keep hearing more and more people actually read my strange, pointless, yet....hopefully.... entertaining blog. So that's cool. Maybe if you're reading you leave a comment? Let me know what you think or that you're out there??

Friday, February 17, 2006

Matt O'Malley?

So people keep telling me that I remind them of George O’Malley from the show Grey’s Anatomy. I’m not sure what to think of it as he is kind of this dorky, awkward, always single doctor. Apparently he is very endearing and a nice guy, ah yes my life curse…the nice guy. Though we do have the same haircut and, ironically, are both from Minnesota.

I guess it’s better than being compared to someone like Jason Alexander, yes someone has told me that before…..nice huh?

Check out this article about TR Knight, the actor who places O’Malley:

Thursday, February 16, 2006

To Netflix or Not?

Reading a recent article about Netflix:

I began to ponder my existence….. Really, most of the movies we see on Netflix aren’t that great. Basically, Barb or I will see a trailer for a movie coming to a theatre, get all excited about it and, unless we are dying to see it immediately, add it to the Netflix queue. Then when we get the movie on Netflix 9 months later, it’s not that great. As a result, I think Hollywood has gotten so good at making interesting and compelling trailers for mediocre movies. I would say 4 out of 5 movies I see on Netflix aren’t that great. The trailers make them look amazing, but in reality they’re not. Case in Point; take a look at the last 10 Netflix movies we’ve seen:

  1. Happy Endings – Slow start, but actually a good flick
  2. The Brothers Grimm – So strange, so strange
  3. Crimes and Misdemeanors – Overrated Woody Allen babble; makes me think the newly added “Match Point” will suck too.
  4. The Wedding Date – This was an entertaining plane movie.
  5. Madagascar – A good cartoon, but…..it’s a cartoon.
  6. Constantine – Horrendous, Despite Keanu Reeves amazing acting skills, the dialogue and story was horrible.
  7. War of the Worlds – Very anti-climatic ending, would have also been better if Tom Cruise wasn’t so looney.
  8. Crash – Totally overrated, too many actors makes for one-dimensional characters.
  9. Monster-In-Law – Only a couple good scenes where Jane Fonda is batshit crazy.
  10. The Interpreter – Sooooooo Boring, oh my god, this is the cure for insomnia.

Really, I would say 1 of these flicks was really a good movie and maybe 3 or 4 more were mildly entertaining. As critics are usually so jaded they don't like anything that isn't about a gay cowboy or stars an oscar winner, my question is where do I go to find out which movies to weed out and which ones to watch?

Monday, February 13, 2006

Migrains Suck

I usually get one or two migraines a year. This weekend I had two. It was miserable. It basically destroyed the weekend. While everyone else, boarded/skied, I slept. In fact, I think I slept about 25 hours this weekend. So, at least, I am rested. Anyway, I hear it was so cold that it wasn’t too fun.

This week I am tracking my spending to see where all my money goes. It always seems like I run out of my weekly allowance by about Wednesday, without anything to show for it. I’ve done this before and the results were depressing. It turned out I spetd all my money on food and booze…..Hmmmm, think I may have a problem?????

Anyway, I’ll update with the results next week. Hope everyone who reads this has a great week.
Also, don’t forget to get your Powerball ticket before Wednesday night, the jackpot is $300 million!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Nothing to Write About

I find that I feel an urge to write, yet I have nothing to write about. When I was writing
book reports in 3rd grade, I would sometimes feel like this. That’s when I discovered
double spacing.

It makes everything you write seem longer.

Using a
slightly larger font was one of my favorites too.

When you love Math and not English you learn how to

s t r e t c h

your words so that you have to write less.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Holy Weddings Batman!

I just have to share for a minute. I thought the window to add weddings on to the summer closed with the new year? Apparently not, in the last 2 weeks I’ve learned that two more couples have decided to get engaged and married this summer. This brings our total of weddings this summer to a whopping 7………pause for dramatic effect…..yes 7; 4 of which are out of state, 1 out of the country and 3 that I am in. Our whole summer is going to be spent going and planning on weddings. I am excited for all the couples and all the weddings as they will be a lot of fun, but wow. I’m thinking of buying a tux and using at all the weddings this summer. Below is the link to the one I like, it matches my eyes:


What do you think? Sexy huh?

Thursday, February 02, 2006


I’m tired………

So apparently, I have severe sleep apnea. From what my doctor said, most people have some form of sleep apnea, but mine is “extreme.” Now most conditions people have can be fixed by taking a pill or something easy like that, not sleep apnea. The “cure” for sleep apnea is actually to sleep with a large mask that looks like a gas mask called a CPAP, continues positive air pressure. It wraps around your head and fits over your nose. The mask then has a 6 foot tube that connects to a humidifier type thing that blows constant air through your nose, it’s not too comfortable. Then, if that isn’t bad enough, you have to wear a chin strap that prevents your mouth from opening up when you sleep. It’s great, I know that although it takes 4 hours to fall asleep, since you have to always sleep on your back, those 4 hours left in the night are the best hours of sleep I’ve had in years.

I’m still tired…………