Monday, February 27, 2006

Diarrhea of the Mind

Here's some random thoughts.

Many friends from out of town visited this weekend, it was good to see them all. Hopefully they all got home, with all their new, large, fragile gifts  Sorry K and R, couldn’t be helped, everything you registered for was huge!

I ran a lot this weekend training for the Cherry Blossom…….7 miles……. I am a little sore today, but I ran at an 11 minute pace and could have kept going so I am feeling good about the race; especially because it’s at sea-level.

I am haunted by Gray’s Anatomy, now that people say I remind them of O’Malley I feel a kinship with him. As a result I was really disturbed by the episode last night. He was basically crushed by his crush. George is so sad, at least he did something about it at the end.

I haven’t boarded in 3 weeks; I have a serious need to get to the mountains. Maybe I will come down with some 24 hour illness this week that can only be cured by a trip to a higher altitude and fast speeds on a snowboard?? Has anyone ever come down with something like that? I think it’s going around.

In addition, I keep hearing more and more people actually read my strange, pointless, yet....hopefully.... entertaining blog. So that's cool. Maybe if you're reading you leave a comment? Let me know what you think or that you're out there??


Anonymous said...

I read it!!!

Oh I know exactly how you feel, when I do not board I am so depressed. Hee hee.

You are a great runner sweetie!!

Anonymous said...

I'm commenting, and yes, all our gifts were HUGE...only 1 had to be shipped though....we are EXCELLENT packers.
